A CLASSIC TOUR 学友.经典世界巡回演唱会
让人引颈长盼的“歌神”张学友《A CLASSIC TOUR学友.经典世界巡回演唱会》唱进大马终于有期了!根据维基显示张学友将于明年农历新年前的1月26日至28日,在吉隆坡武吉加里尔的Axiata Arena(前名布特拉室体育馆)连唱3场!
《A CLASSIC TOUR学友.经典世界巡回演唱会》主办单位星艺娱乐在脸书专页发布一个疑似是张学友剪影的“猜猜他是谁”的图文,发文“来猜猜看即将到来的歌手,粉丝们能猜到他是谁吗?您觉得最理想的演出月份是在?请在下留言拼分享!”马上就引起网民的热烈回应。虽然该贴文并没有揭露歌手身份以及演唱会举行日期,但歌迷却一眼就认出就是让大马粉丝千呼万方唤的张学友演唱会,更有网民立马爆出《A CLASSIC TOUR学友.经典世界巡回演唱会》会在2018年1月26、及27日于Axiata Arena举行,而查看《A CLASSIC TOUR学友.经典世界巡回演唱会》维基最新资料也清楚列明,大马站正是落在这个日期!
张学友逢巡演必把大马列为演出的其中一站,只是他近几年在大马的演唱会几乎都办在户外或云顶,但此次巡演的概念是4面台,而他属意的演出场地是可以容纳万人的Axiata Arena,基于该场馆今年需让路东运会及残运会直至10月后才正式对外开放,为了让大马演唱会与香港的概念相同,而在大马却未能找到比Axiata Arena更理想的室内演出场馆,所以他宁愿展延大马站的演出,也不愿因场地问题而影响演出的内容素质。
虽然Axiata Arena可容纳逾万人,但以张学友以往在大马开唱的纪录及号召力来看,3场估计是最基本的演出场次,未知演唱会正式开票后会否因秒杀再加场?至于演唱会何时正式开票,大家可能要密切留意主办单位近期即将发布的最新官方消息!
Word on the street is that one of the “Four Heavenly Kings” of Hong Kong, Jacky Cheung (张学友), is bringing his “A Classic Tour” to Malaysia! Over the weekend, Cantopop fans went into a frenzy when local concert organiser Star Planet (星艺娱乐) shared a photo featuring a man’s silhouette, with the caption, “Guess Who?”
According to Sinchew, Cheung is set to bring his “A Classic Tour” to Malaysia. And that’s not all, he’ll be holding hold 3 concerts at Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil from 26th to 27th January 2018.
Dubbed the “God of Songs” of Hong Kong, the 56-year-old crooner is known for his rich baritone voice and has released numerous hits such as “Everlasting Love” (只想一生跟你走), “Goodbye Kiss” (吻别), and “Your First Name, My Last Name” (妳的名字,我的姓氏).
His most recent album, titled “Wake Up Dreaming” (醒著做夢), which was released in December 2014. It achieved spectacular sales records, topping iTunes chart within one week of its release. The physical album was sold out in Malaysia, resulting in additional orders from recording label, Universal Music Malaysia. Furthermore, it consists of 10 tracks including “The Rest Of Time”, “It’s Not Too Late”, and “Tears Of Time”.
After a 6-year hiatus, legendary singer Jacky Cheung is set to return to the Malaysia soil for a solo concert on 26, 27 & 28 January 2018 at the Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil (previously Putra Indoor Stadium) at 8 p.m.!
Jointly presented by ONEMUSIC XOX and F&N, jointly organized by Star Planet and Impact Entertainment, supported by Malaysia Major Events, concert tickets are priced at RM988, RM888, RM748, RM618, RM488, RM368 and RM258 (subject to RM3 booking fee).
For more concert’s detail, visit www.starplanet.com.my or call hotline 03-9223 3667. Tour packages available at www.mayflower.com.my
歌神张学友将在2018年 1 月 26, 27及28 日,晚上 8 点,带着全新个人巡 演《A Classic Tour 学友经典》踏上吉隆坡武吉加里尔 Axiata Arena (前称布特拉室内体育馆) 一连两场隆重开唱! 这是歌神阔别 6 年后,再度踏上大马舞台举办个人巡回演唱会,绝对是大马粉丝体验歌神现场演唱魅力的绝佳机会。
由 ONEMUSIC XOX 和 F&N 联合呈现,星艺娱乐及艺能制作联合主办, Malaysia Major Event 鼎力支持,张学友 《A Classic Tour 学友经典》巡回演唱会-吉隆坡站门票票价定为马币 988令吉, 888令吉, 748令吉,618令吉, 488令吉, 368令吉及258令吉 (未含3令吉手续费)。更多相关优惠及演唱会详情,请留守星艺娱乐的官方网站www.starplanet.com.my或拨打热线 03-92233667 查询。
(1) Ticket prices are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia and subject to RM4 ticket fee
(2) No admission for children aged 2 or below
(3) All offers and promotions are subject to terms and conditions.
(4) Strictly No professional photography. Audio or video recording of any kind is not allowed throughout the performance
(5) Child must be of 95cm height and below to be eligible for child ticket priced at RM50 without seat, while child at height above 95cm must purchase tickets according to price scale. For safety reasons, the organiser reserves the right to limit the total quantity of child tickets issued
(6) Tickets to the “Wheelchair accessible viewing platforms” are priced at RM258 and can only be purchased via the Organiser at +603 9223 3667
(7) Ticket(s) purchased shall not be resold or offered for pre-sale at a premium over the face value of the ticket or used for advertising, promoting or other commercial purposes or to enhance the demand for other goods or services
(8) The organiser reserves the rights to alter or amend any terms and conditions relating to promotions or ticketing without prior notification.